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Shipowner Eligibility 

The vessel may only be registered in Latvian Ship Register if:
1. It is owned by Latvian citizen or person having permanent residence permit or legal entity established and registered in Latvia or any combination of these and , is operated by ISM certified technical manager having valid Document of Compliance for the type of the vessel (DOC Company) established in Latvia or another EU country ;
2. It is owned by foreigner or foreign legal entity from EU and is operated by DOC Company established in EU (only authorized person must be from Latvia)

According to Latvian maritime legislation the shipowner who is not a Latvian resident must have an authorised person in Latvia who will act instead of the Owner in Latvia and represent the Owner in relations with Maritime Administration of Latvia.

There are no special requirements regarding the authorised representative, but preferably and better from the practical side is to have representative with knowledge in maritime, especially, ships management sphere. You have to take into consideration that most of communication during the ship registration process under Latvian flag will carry out through your representative in Latvia, i.e., he has to know maritime sphere very well."
3. It is owned by foreigner or foreign legal entity outside EU and is operated by DOC Company; established in Latvia

Person/legal entity qualified to be owner of Latvian ship can register ownership in LSR and receive the Certificate of Ownership.

Please note that Document of Compliance has to be issued by Maritime Administration of Latvia or a recognized organisation ( BV, DNV GL,LR, RINA, ABS, RMRS).

About the Flag

Latvia is situated on the eastern shore of the Baltic sea, sharing borders with Lithuania to the south, Estonia to the north and Russia to the east and Belarus to the southeast. The area of Latvia totals 64,000 square kilometers with 500 kilometers of coastline. The population is about 2 million people, of which 61,4% are Latvians. The capital of Latvia is Riga. Latvia is divided into four historical regions: Vidzeme, Kurzeme, Latgale and Zemgale. The official language is Latvian.

Latvia is a democratic republic. The Prime Minister is appointed by the President of the Republic and is the head of the government. The President of Latvia is elected by the Parliament for four year term. The President has more like representative function especially as regards to state`s foreign policy, although he has rights to initiate new legislation acts and block some parliamentary decisions.

After the restoration of independence in September 1991, Latvia has sought to join various international organizations. In April of 2004 Latvia became a member of NATO and in May of 2004, a member of the European Union. Latvia is also a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO). From 2014 the currency is EUR.

The legislation regulating shipping in Latvia, and ships registration in particular, is the following:
* Civil Law from 1937
* Maritime Code from 2003
* Cabinet Regulations on registration of ships in Latvian Ship Register from 06 June 2006
and other bylaws adopted by Government

Company Formation

The companies are registered by Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia. The company obtains the rights of legal person from the moment of its registration in the REGISTER OF ENTERPRISES.
The following types of legal entities to carry out business activities may be established in Latvia:
• individual merchant
• general partnership
• branch
• unlimited company based on agreement
• limited partnership
• joint stock company
• company with additional liability
• company with limited liability
• foreign merchant branch

The most commonly used type of company formation is a company with limited liability. To establish such company the corporation capital (statutory fund) shall be paid up in the form of financial or material investment, which shall be not less than EUR 2800. There may be one or several founders of the legal entity who may be both Latvian and foreign natural or legal persons. The documents of incorporation are:
• application to the Register of Enterprises
• memorandum of association
• articles of association
• a notice from a bank regarding the payment the equity capital (if the equity capital or part of it is paid-up in money)
• document which certifies the value of each property contribution (if property contributions are made)
• written consent given by each member of the Supervisory Board to join the membership of the Supervisory Board (if a company established the Supervisory Board)
• written consent given by each member of the Board of Directors to join the membership of the Board of Directors
• notarized specimen of signatures of the members of the Board of Directors
• notice of the Board of Directors of the registered office of the company
• written consent given by auditor to be authorized as an auditor of the company
• receipt conforming the state fee payment
• receipt conforming the payment for the announcement in the official newspaper “Latvijas Vestnesis”


Competitive corporate income tax

Regular corporate income tax is 15 % of the taxable amount.
Instead of paying corporate income tax you may recieve a tonnage tax payer status.
Amount of tonnage tax depends on Net tonnage and number of days spent in international voyages.
The income co-efficient (expressed in euro per tonnage unit) shall be applied in the following amounts:
0.0022 – tonnage from 100 to 1000 units;

0.0019 – from 1001 to 10000 that exceeds 1000 units;

0.0016 - from 10001 to 25000 that exceeds 10000 units;

0.0007 – over 25000 units that exceeds 25000 units

Example for calculation of income upon which tonnage tax is imposed (In) and the payable amount (Am)

Ship X, length – 133.83m, type – general cargo, GT – 13340, NT – 5157, spent in international voyages 360 days per one calendar year.

In (per day) = 900x0.0022 + (5157-1001)x0.0019 = 9.88 EUR

In (per 360 days) = 9.88x360 = 3556.80 EUR

Payable tax

Am=3556.80x15%=533.52 EUR

Competitive social security regime for crew

Total payment rate of social insurance in 2014 is 34.09% from which 23.59% is paid by employer and 10.50% by employee.

Income upon which the current rate is imposed is 2.5 minimum wage rate for Officers (800 EUR) and 1.5 for Ratings (480 EUR)

Minimum wage rate set in 2014 is 320 EUR

Example of social insurance payment*

Social insurance payment (SIP) paid by employer
SIP=480 x 23.59%=113.23 EUR for 1 Rating

SIP=800 x 23.59%=188.72 EUR for 1 Officer

Social insurance payment (SIP) paid by employee
SIP=480 x 10.50%=50.40 EUR for 1 Rating

SIP=800 x 10.50%=84 EUR for 1 Officer


163.63 for 1 Rating

272.72 for 1 Officer

* Social insurance payment (SIP) is calculated per 1 month


For more detailed information please refer to the following legal instruments:

Law “On Enterprise Income Tax “ (

Law “On Personal Income Tax” ( Article 8, Para 4)

Registration and Documentation

Required documents:
1. Application (prescribed form);
2. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation;
3. Proof of Ownership (Bill of Sale, Builder’s Certificate, Deletion Certificate issued by the Ship Register of another state or by an equivalent authority, the owner indicated in which is entitled to register the ownership rights in the Ship Register, etc ) and Protocol of Delivery. The Bill of Sale must be notarized, and if signed outside EU it must be in addition apostilled or legalised.
4. Certificate of Deletion issued by the previous register;
5. Written consent of ship’s mortgagee, if any;
6. Report of Pre-registration Survey issued by the Maritime Safety Department;
7. Copy of Tonnage Certificate;
8. Radio Station license issued by the Electronic Communications Office;
9. Ships carrying more than 2,000 tons of oil in bulk as cargo – a relevant insurance cover of liability (P&I Blue Card or other equivalent financial security) in order to obtain the CLC Certificate;
10. Ships of more than 1000 GRT – a relevant insurance cover of liability (P&I Blue Card or other equivalent financial security) in order to obtain the Bunker CLC Certificate;
11. Ships carrying more than 12 passengers– a relevant insurance cover of liability (P&I Blue Card or other equivalent financial security,) in order to obtain the Athens convention CLC Certificate;
12. Copy of Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) if applicable.

Registration of Recreational Craft
Recreational craft (all sail yachts and motor yachts more than 12 m in length) may be registered in Latvian Ship Register. Motor yachts and boats up to 12m in length, personal watercraft (jet ski) should be registered in Small Recreational craft Register.
Required documents:
1. Application for registration (prescribed form);
2. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation/passport;
3. Proof of Ownership* (for example Bill of Sale) and Protocol of Delivery. The signatures on the Bill of sale must be notarised. When signed abroad, Proof of ownership must be notarized and apostilled (outside EU);
4. Certificate of Deletion issued by previous register if any. If not, confirmation letter (prescribed form) addressed to Latvian Ship Register signed by previous owner and notarized.
5. Written consent of ship’s mortgagee, if any;
6. Report of Survey issued by the Maritime Safety Department. If recreational craft is intended to be used for commercial purposes (such intent must be mentioned in the application for registration). Survey must be carried out before registration;
7. Radio Station license issued by the Electronic Communications Office, if recreational craft is equipped with radio.

*If the recreational craft is bought from builder (new-buildings) or at boat-shop document (cheque, invoice and payment documents) identifying seller and buyer can be used as the Proof of Ownership and Builder’s Certificate can be used as a Protocol of Delivery.

It is possible to register a recreational craft on the basis of a Bareboat charter agreement. In this case the bareboat charter agreement must be handed in instead of Proof of ownership. Permission from main (underlying) register is also necessary.

Bareboat Charter Registration

Bareboat – Charter (demise) Agreement (Standard BARECON can be used).
Bareboat – Charterer must be a person (legal of physical) registered in Latvia.

Required documentation and information:
1. Application (prescribed form);
2. Certificate of incorporation (bareboat charterer);
3. Certified copy of the bareboat charter party and Protocol of Delivery Bareboat charter party must be notarized and if signed outside EU aditionally apostilled or legalised,
4. Written consent issued by underlying (primary) register;
5. Written consent of ship’s mortgagee, if any;
6. Written consent of the owner for bareboat registration
7. Certificate of encumbrances issued by underlaying (primary) register;
8. Report of Survey issued by the Maritime Safety Department;
9. Copy of Tonnage Certificate;
10. 10. Radio Station license issued by the Electronic Communications Office;
11. Ships carrying more than 2,000 tons of oil in bulk as cargo – a relevant insurance cover of liability (P&I Blue Card) or other equivalent financial security in order to obtain the CLC Certificate;
12. Ships of more than 1000 GRT – a relevant insurance cover of liability (P&I Blue Card) or other equivalent financial security in order to obtain the Bunker CLC Certificate;
13. Ships carrying more than 12 passengers– a relevant insurance cover of liability (P&I Blue Card or other equivalent financial security) in order to obtain the Athens convention CLC Certificate;
14. Copy of Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) if applicable.

Mortgages are created only by the shipowner, and in accordance with the law of the country of foreign register in which they shall be recorded. The constitution of such mortgages and other encumbrances is only notified to the Registrar of Latvian Ships

It is possible to register recreational craft on basis of Bareboat charter agreement, too. In such case the bareboat charter agreement must be handed in instead of Document showing acquisition of recreational craft. Permission from main (underlying) register is also necessary.

Vessel and Yacht Eligibility & Survey Requirements

In order to register a ship in the LSR, her technical condition and equipment shall conform to the requirements of the norms of international law and Latvian regulatory enactments in relation to navigation safety and the protection of human life, health and the environment. The Registrar of Latvian Ships makes a decision whether to register a ship or not.
Age limit of 23 years established for vessels involved in international voyages, except coastwise navigation vessels and passenger vessels trading between Baltic Sea ports.
Technical supervision of Latvian ships, is carried out by the Maritime Safety Inspectorate of the Maritime Administration of Latvia or by authorized classification society. The classification societies authorized by the Maritime Administration of Latvia are the following:
• Lloyds Register of Shipping
• Bureau Veritas
• Maritime Register of Shipping (Russia)
• American Bureau of Shipping
• RINA Services S.p.A. (RINA)

Annual Flag State inspection is carried out by Maritime Safety Inspectorate every year.
Maritime Administration undertakes its own approval and verification under the ISPS Code and can issue the International Ship Security Certificate (Ship and port security Inspectorate) and issues Continuous Synopsis Record (Latvian Ship Register) to vessels qualified under the Code.


Registry of Seamen of Maritime Administration of Latvia is a main executive body in charge of certification of seafarers, supervision of seafarers’ training and educational programs and supervision of crewing agencies in compliance with national and international requirements.

Today there are 58 licensed crewing agencies certified by Latvian Ministry of Transport and supervised by Registry of Seamen. Most of these crewing agencies collaborate with shipowners round the world to employ Latvian seafarers on all types of ships. As well as any person duly certified according to Latvian and international maritime legislation can be employed on board of Latvian flagged vessels.

Today Latvia takes one of the highest places among the European Union (EU) countries by the number of seafarers. There are about 12000 active merchant fleet seafarers including 5514 masters and officers certificated according to the requirements of the STCW Convention. Also there are about 1000 active fishing fleet and inland fleet seafarers certificated according to the national and international legislation.

There are two highest maritime educational institutions in Latvia and nine training centers with a wide range of training programs certified by Latvian Ministry of Transport and supervised by Registry of Seamen.

Functions of the Registry of Seamen certification division:
• Elaboration of normative documents
• Seafarer competency assessment
• Control and verification of legality and authenticity of all seafarer documents
• Issue of Certificates of Competency, recognition of certificates issued by foreign Maritime Administrations
• Issue of Seaman’s Discharge Books
• Maintenance of seafarers’ database
• Maintenance of seafarers’ competency assessors’ database
• Participation in international activities and co-operation with maritime administrations on matters of STCW Convention

Functions of the Registry of Seamen convention supervision division:
• Elaboration of normative documents regulating the work of the Registry of Seamen
• Preparation of information to International Maritime Organization (IMO) on the enforcement of STCW requirements in the Republic of Latvia
• Supervision of crewing agencies and control over their activities; consulting crewing agencies on licensing procedures; verification of licensing documents and issue of licenses; maintenance of crewing agencies’ database
• Convention supervision of approved seafarers’ doctors work and maintenance of seafarers’ doctors database
• Supervision of maritime educational institutions and training centers, approval of all maritime training and educational programs
• Supervision of implementation and work of quality management systems at maritime educational institutions and training centers, elaboration of recommendations


After a ship has been registered in Latvian Ship Registry, a mortgage can be created thereby securing a loan or any other financial obligation. According to Maritime Code of Latvia it is not allowed to create a mortgage for vessels registered bareboat-in Mortgages shall be recorded by the Registrar in the order of time in which they are produced to him for that purpose and remains an encumbrance on the vessel until discharged by the mortgagees. Mortgages are registered according to the date and time they are being deposited. If there are more mortgages than one registered in respect of the same ship or share, the mortgagees shall, notwithstanding any express, implied, or constructive notice, be entitled in priority one over the other, according to the date on which each mortgage is recorded in the Register and not according to the date of each mortgage itself.

There are no restrictions for vessels of non-residents coming with existing mortgages, if there is mortgagee’s permission.

Required documents:
• Notarized Ship’s Bond (prescribed form);
• Consent of all Owners, if more than one (notary attested).

Transfer of a mortgage may be effected by completing the statutory form of transfer and submitting it to the Registrar of Latvian Ships.

In order to discharge a mortgage, a memorandum of discharge will need to be completed by mortgagee, notary attested and delivered to the Registrar of Latvian Ships.


No. Type of payment All fees are payable in EUR
1. Registration of a ship 78,26 plus 0,85 EUR per 1 NT*
under construction
State vessel
2. Annual fees 21,34 plus 0,50 per 1 NT
3. Registration and re-registration of recreational craft
motor yacht (without sails)
yacht (length up to 7 meters)
yacht (length from 7 to 12 m)
Yacht (length from 12m and over)
4. Deletion
recreational craft
5. Change of the name upon request of the owner
recreational craft
6. Mortgage
registration, novation
0,1% from the amount of the debt (but not more than 1423 EUR)
deletion, alteration or cession
7. Issue of Certificate of Registration, Certificate of Ownership, 42,69 for each document
8. Issue of CSR 43,69 for each
8. Issue of CLC (oil) certificate 284,57 for each
9. Issue of CLC (bunker) certificate 213,43 for each
10. Issue of written inquest 21,34 for each
11. State tax
ship with NT up to 100
ship with NT from 100 to 500
ship with NT from 500 and over
ship without engine
recreational craft

* NT – Net Tonnage.
If NT is 5000 or more - 5000 is to be calculated
If there is no NT (NRT) assigned for the ship or NT=0, water displacement tons of the ship without cargo are applied to calculate the charges.

Ship Registration Fee Calculator


Maritime Administration of Latvia
Head of the Register of Ships, Edgar Glanenko
+371 67062162
Inspector of the Ship Register, Svetlana Šalaja
+371 67062165
Ship Register Inspector, Ģirts Aleksandrovs
+371 67062164

Maritime Safety Inspectorate
Mon-Fri: 8.00-16.45, Fri: 8.00-15.30
24/7 contact phone
+371 26521550, 26548466
Head of the Maritime Safety Inspectorate, Artūrs Ošs
+371 67062166
Coordinator of Ship Inspections, Ģirts Sarja
+371 67062168

Complete Contact List

Stockholm Agreement 96
IMO Convention 48
* IMO amendments 91 
* IMO amendments 93
SOLAS Convention 74
SOLAS Protocol 78
SOLAS Protocol 88
LOAD LINES Convention 66
LOAD LINES Protocol 88
TONNAGE Convention 69
COLREG  Convention 72
CSC Convention 72
CSC amendments 93
SFV Protocol 93
STCW  Convention 78
STCW-F Convention 95
SAR  Convention 79
STP Agreement 71
STP Protocol 73
IMSO Convention 76
INMARSAT amendments 94
INMARSAT amendments 98
IMSO amendments 2006
IMSO amendments 2008
FACILITATION Convention 65
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex I/II)
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex IV)
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex V)
MARPOL Protocol 97 (Annex VI)
London Convention 72
London Convention Protocol 96
INTERVENTION Convention 69
CLC Convention 69
CLC Protocol 76
CLC Protocol 92
FUND Convention 71
FUND Protocol 92
FUND Protocol 2003
NUCLEAR Convention 71
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex III)
PAL Protocol 76
PAL Protocol 90
PAL Protocol 02
LLMC Convention 76
LLMC Protocol 96
SUA Convention 2005
SUA Protocol 2005
SALVAGE Convention 89
OPRC  Convention 90
HNS Convention 96
Cape Town Agreement 2012
SUA Convention 88
SUA Protocol 88

IMO Conventions

Status of Conventions Latvia

IMO Convention 48 x
SOLAS Convention 74 x
SOLAS Protocol 78 x
SOLAS Protocol 88 x
SOLAS Agreement 96 x
LOAD LINES Convention 66 x
LOAD LINES Protocol 88 x
TONNAGE Convention 69 x
COLREG Convention 72 x
CSC Convention 72 x
CSC amendments 93 x
SFV Protocol 93
Cape Town Agreement 2012
STCW Convention 78 x
STCW-F Convention 95 x
SAR Convention 79 x
STP Agreement 71
Space STP Protocol 73
IMSO Convention 76 x
IMSO amendments 2006
IMSO amendments 2008 x
FACILITATION Convention 65 x
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex I/II) x
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex III) x
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex IV) x
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex V) x
MARPOL Protocol 97 (Annex VI) x
London Convention 72
London Convention Protocol 96
INTERVENTION Convention 69 x
INTERVENTION Protocol 73 x
CLC Convention 69 d
CLC Protocol 76
CLC Protocol 92 x
FUND Protocol 76
FUND Protocol 92 x
FUND Protocol 2003 x
NUCLEAR Convention 71 x
PAL Convention 74 d
PAL Protocol 76 d
PAL Protocol 90
PAL Protocol 02 x
LLMC Convention 76 x
LLMC Protocol 96 x
SUA Convention 88 x
SUA Protocol 88 x
SUA Convention 2005 x
SUA Protocol 2005 x
SALVAGE Convention 89 x
OPRC Convention 90 x
HNS Convention 96

x= ratification

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